Social Skills at Social Collaborative!

Social Collaborative is happy to announce our social skills program - Lab Socials! Taking the idea of friendly ice cream socials in which friends and neighbors gather to enjoy each other's company, Lab Socials provides a fun and engaging opportunity for chidren of similar ages to practice their social skills in the contexts of age-appropriate games and activities. …

Parent Training Workshop – Limited Series Understanding Your Child’s Behavior

Social Collaborative is excited to announce that we will be having our first Parent Training Workshop on Understanding Your Child's Behavior in October! We will be hosting a limited series of workshops, each focusing on a specific topic in the areas of early intervention, Positive Behavior Support, language and communication, social interactions, sensory and occupational …


Social Collaborative will be presenting a workshop on collaboration and designing ecologically-sound behavior plans! This event is suitable for both beginning practitioners and seasoned professionals who are looking to hone their craft. We will be offering 4 units of Type 2 BACB CEU to each participant upon completion. Expect an engaging and interactive workshop that …

Social Skills for Teens

As you probably know, teens with ASD experience poor overall quality of friendships and this leads to greater loneliness in general. Did you, however, also know that having just 1-2 close friends is correlated with higher self-esteem and independence, and protects against the negative impact of depression and anxiety? Social Collaborative is excited to announce …

Collaboration Projects Update – PEERS Social Skills Training

We are excited to announce the following collaboration projects currently underway to provide PEERS social skills training. As a certified PEERS provider, Daiz will be facilitating the following groups: In March, Daiz will facilitate a PEERS group, in collaboration with Our Village, at the Renaissance School for Arts & Science in San Pedro. In April, Daiz …

Love Is Inclusion

Let me venture out of our norm and start by sharing a bit of news in the fashion apparel world. This week, two major clothing retailers - Target and Tommy Hilfiger, released a new line dubbed "adaptive clothing". They include tagless shirts with flat seams, hoodies with discreet openings for g-tubes, dress shirts with regular …

Enjoying the Holidays!

December is a busy time of the year for most families, as the year winds down while activities and plans wind up. We all make plans and attend engagements so that we can enjoy cherished time with family and friends. However, it is important to be mindful of the effect of holiday activities, changes in …