Clinical Approach

Social Collaborative is committed in using only empirically-supported best practices in our early intervention programs. We believe that learning should occur in natural routines, thoughtfully planned activities, and above all, learning should be fun!

Using principles and methodologies firmly grounded in Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) and Positive Behavior Support (PBS), Social Collaborative takes a family-centered approach that recognizes the priorities and needs of the child and family as a central unit in intervention design.

We adopt a naturalist approach that follows the child’s interest and harness the power of intrinsic motivation, to teach wide ranging skill sets including communication, play, social, independence, emotional regulation, and safety awareness.

Rigorous data collection and in-depth data analysis allows our clinical team to  continuously monitor progress and be responsive to learning needs so we can always stay on top of a child’s unique learning profile and accelerate the learning curve.

What you can expect from the Social Collaborative Team:

  • Family and person-centered approach
  • Individual attention
  • Regular clinical meetings to review progress and discuss priorities
  • Close collaboration with other professionals, including school, speech-language pathologists, occupational therapists, physical therapists, psychologists, physicians, etc.
  • Up-to-date best practices in autism intervention based on empirical research
  • Ethical conduct that adheres to BACB (Behavior Analyst Certification Board) guidelines
  • Eligibility, based on priority goals, to participate in Social Skills Groups